You’ve likely heard the phrase “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Is that true? Can words hurt? What are the powers of words?
Words carry emotion, energy, and the power to heal … or hurt. How we choose to use our words, and the intent behind them, has more impact than most people know—beyond the symbolic nature of the words themselves.
Words are expressed in the form of sound, and sound is vibration. When we raise the vibration of our words, we uplift those who are hearing them and receiving the energy encoded into them. When we lace our words with ill intention and low vibration, we use them as weapons, in which case they can pierce the heart and soul of the recipient. Depending on the level of consciousness of the receiver, this can instill fear and pain for the other person.
In this episode of Soul Empowerment, we will explore what it means to be conscious of the words we think and speak. Here are some of the talking points:
Words and Children. As adults, we have the knowledge and choice to take words personally. But words have a much more profound impact on children and their development. Harsh, critical and cruel words can cause real and lasting damage to a child’s psyche. Even certain kinds of silence—such as withholding praise and acknowledgment—can be harmful.
The Pink Elephant Problem. When the conscious mind hears the statement “don’t think of a pink elephant”, a cognitive conflict occurs. In order not to think about the pink elephant, the unconscious mind must first conjure the image of the pink elephant. Then it has to follow up by trying not to think about the image it has created! In scientific circles, this is called the “ironic process theory” and it creates confusion in the mind. It is always beneficial to think and speak in terms of the affirmative—as in specifying what to do or what you want. This tends to yield better results than speaking what not to do or what you don’t want.
Twisting Words. Propaganda and programming are the use of words to manipulate the collective to accept and enact an agenda that usually benefits a person or group with influence and power. Gaslighting phrases are used to manipulate people in such a way as to make them question their reality.
Magic Words. Consider the concepts of conjuring, spells (spelling), affirmations, or prayers. Whether you’re a believer or not, people have been wielding words for eons to inflict injury or remedy, sometimes with other-wordly results.
Raise your consciousness and elevate your vibration. Then you will find yourself choosing words and intentions that are more closely aligned with the truth of who you really are. The world will benefit from such choices.
About the Team:
Gayle Nowak: Visibility Coach who shifts world-changing healers, lightworkers and New Earth leaders from outdated patterns into new possibilities. She weaves multiple modalities to guide clients and audiences into their truest expression so they can honor and carry out their soul mission.
Scott Holmes: Reiki Master, Polarity Therapist, RYSE Practitioner, Theta Healer Practitioner, and Author who empowers clients to transform and grow through multiple modalities of light, deep touch, sound, intention and crystals.
Sara Jane: Reiki & Vocal Reiki Master Teacher & Practitioner. Having worked on herself and healed her own early years trauma and hurt, Sara now supports clients, from her own experiences, to heal their own trauma and live a more fulfilling and happy life.
تفاصيل البرنامج
Jul 12, 2023
05:00 (pm) UTC
SE #43: Sticks & Stones
75 جلسة دقيقة جلسة مسجلة